BBC Correspondent Peter "Pierre" Kazoni interviews Scholastique Kompaoré; photo by Brenda Gael McSweeney
Listen below (under the French version) to his conversation with Scholastique Kompaoré, President of the Marche Mondiale des Femmes - Burkina, on her "best" proverb in Mooré, the language of the majority ethnic group in Burkina, the Mossi people.
Filmed by Brenda Gael McSweeney, edited by Kassia Karr.
Peter "Pierre" Kazoni interviewing Ami Kiello
He then elicited a "best" proverb in Fulfulde, the language of the Fulani people of West Africa. Here, he speaks with Aminata "Ami" Kiello, a social scientist with a vast international background. Notice that Ami is holding a copy of "Women of Vision: Brighton Allston Women's Heritage Trail Guide," available on UNESCO's website.
Brenda McSweeney being interviewed by Peter "Pierre" Kazoni; photo by Ami Kiello.
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